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European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is a European Academy that unites intellectual elite from all around the globe. One of its main purposes is to conduct multidisciplinary research; EASU regularly сonducts international conferences on the most challenging and relevant issues to find solutions to the problems that cannot be resolved even on the state level. The European Academy of Sciences strives to revive and strengthen the prestige and power of science globally. In the near future it plans to establish several multidisciplinary academic journals at the intersection of philosophy, anthropology, sociology, criminology, psychology, cultural studies, political science, and others.

“Granite of Science”

The “Granite of Science” is a popular-scientific portal that publishes relevant and reliable knowledge about the state of Ukrainian and world science. The “Granite of Science” has become a tool for managing social requirements for science in Ukraine. The journal accepted the responsibility to demand from the scientists to be in line with the glorious past of Ukrainian science and the daring future world tendencies to bring the research of state institutions to the orbit of an advanced enlightened community.

Scientific Journal “Expedition”

The Expedition journal was conceived as a corporate journal for professional scientists. Here are the shades of the Latin word “expedire”: to unravel, to establish, to equip, to implement – everything a scientist does. The journal was created for all engaged in scientific practice and academic research. “Expedition” presents an objective account of history to give an opportunity for all to view this world from a different plane with different perspectives, to reveal the way mechanisms of power are triggered on a certain territory and in the world, and the way some figures subjugated others in the course of the history.

“Criminological Research Center”

Criminological Research Center is an integral part of the Sociological Association of Ukraine. The purpose of the center is to conduct large-scale thematic and methodological research on the territory of Ukraine, and the Russian-speaking area of Europe and the United States, in fields such as: research of the subcultures of criminal communities; the history of the development of formation, changes in crime in different historical periods and cybercrime.

“Digital World (DW)”

Digital World (DW) is a popular-science core publication – your guide in the world of contemporary IT. Innovation and scientific solutions for some become keys to progress, for others it is a dangerous tool for fulfilling self-interested and ethically compromised goals. DW analyzes and investigates both facets of the digital world, which has become an alternative reality for humankind over the past 15 years.

"Who is Who"

Who is Who is a high-status media of the European standard which sets the task to objectively and comprehensively cover challenging events, phenomena and persons. The staff and special correspondents of the publication are candidates or full members of the “Independent Union of European Journalists”.

“The Humanities Scientific Society”

The Society is a successor of the Society for Law and State Knowledge of Odessa by Novorossiysk University founded in 1913. Its predecessor was the Richelieu Lyceum Law Society founded after the judicial reform of 1864. The members of the above societies were scientists, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and honorary figures of the city. The main goal of the society is to popularize legal sciences, humanities and conduct scientific research at the intersection of humanities.

“Psychological and Philosophical Society”

Society unites psychologists, psychiatrists, medical specialists and philosophers. The main tasks of the society are to help young scientists and to celebrate the merits of those researchers who have made significant contributions to science. The revival of this society took place on October 29, 2019. The president of the society is the head of the Theurung Association, candidate of psychological sciences Alexander Sagaidak.