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Digital War. Avi Nardia

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Avi Nardia

security expert, martial artist, founder of the defence martial art KAPAP.

Mongering often refers to the act of encouraging a particular activity, especially one that causes trouble, promoting something undesirable or discreditable often used in combination. Fear mongering is the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue, spreading of frightening and exaggerating rumors of impending danger to purposely arouse fear in order to manipulated the public. It can be done via different media. Nowadays it can be easily done through different popular social media.  Many times under the false flag these acts are committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on a second party. One example of a false flag is the CIA project code name TP-Ajax in Iran. This easily takes us to the world of espionage, which is a much more sophisticated subject.

Every project must consist of three vital points. First is to have a plan than to create a strategy and then decide about a tactic. Many tend to fail due to a lack of planning and strategy building mostly relying solely on tactics. Remember Sun Tzu’s words: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory; tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

The same applies to cyberwar and cyber defense. Cyberwar is a state of daily conflicts. It’s related to the technological environment and to cybersecurity, at the same time cyber conflict comprehends those and much more others security subjects and risk management. Governments and companies face these cyber wars each second.

Another thought is that a lot of money can be made from healthy people who believe that they are sick. Pharmaceutical companies sponsor diseases and promote them to prescribers and consumers. This is a “Disease Mongering “. Who makes Medicine makes the sickness? “Disease awareness” is a marketing strategy built in clever ways to affect us all by pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s twitter account was blocked since she made certain statements about the origin of the Global Pandemic Covid-19. She and her colleagues appear affiliated with a group founded by Steve Bennon the former advisor to President Donald Trump.

Dr. Yan was labeled as a “whistleblower”. She claimed that Covid-19 is “man-made virus ” and “not from Nature” – Comments previously made by President Trump and secretary of state Mike Pompeo. Dr.Yand has claimed that the Virus was made in China and she had the evidence to show us the truth.

While having the USA and China in a race for new G5 technology and seeing China one step ahead, China and the USA keep fighting for the leadership in the world having a Chinese tech giant Huawei as a center of their power struggle. Huawei has supplied the largest amount of network equipment for China G5 rollout and also other countries.

However, the USA has blacklisted the company accusing it of possessing a national security risk and started lobbying allies to shun Huawei from their G5 Networks claiming they were all spies. At the same time Huawei denies this accusation and many people in China and worldwide see these actions as part of the USA’s efforts to curb the rise of the world’s second largest economy and its economic race more than all.

Back to Corona Virus – we came to know Wuhan city in Hubei Province with it’s 11 million size population and as a political, economic, financial, commercial, cultural, and educational center in central China, a major hub for transportation, the Chicago of China and one of the first cities to implement the G5.

When you read the book “The Plague” by Albert Camus published in 1947 that presents a snapshot of life during epidemic times remind us of what we encounter these days: intellectual arrogance, ignorance, evil as we all face death and how it affects society. In this book, it is described how doctors and scientists are in conflicts with governments and leadership.

During these hectic times we can see similarities described in Camus’s book like broken trust, splits and conflicts, many different opinions, and how leadership worldwide fails to respond in a constructive way leading to riots and protests.

For me, this is the biggest terror attack. Terror means fear and for sure Covid-19 has created the biggest fear attack ever.  There was also a fear during the Spanish flu in the 20th century, but only Covid-19 was armed with the best public relation and marketing team. Every day the world faces more death from smoking but the law does not prohibit smoking. The government seems to care about our health only if it’s Covid-19 related but does not care if it’s related to smoking, drinking, drugs, driving, food etc. Why Covid-19? Are we in a Third world War, digital war, and cyber and media war? Who earns and who will earn from this situation?

As a former army and counter-terror specialist I can say that every country has a protection plan against the biological war. Failing to deal with Covid-19 in a proper way makes us all wonder is this maybe a part of a big plan and strategy while Covid-19 is merely a tactic?